Udhyamita: Meet the Founders!

Udhyamita: Meet the Founders!

Prachi holds a bachelors degree in accounting and finance from Flame University and has completed her Masters in Fashion Management from Michigan University. She has been in the startup space for the past 4 years and firmly believes in the concept of repurposing and reusing everything as much as possible.

"Growing up I had always seen my grandfather reusing packaging material and ensuring that the least amount of things reach the dustbin. Seeing this, the thought of single-use plastic always made me uncomfortable."

Sumit is a qualified CA and has had the opportunity to work with and be a part of quite a few startups before Ecosys. He is research-driven and takes immense
inspiration from his surroundings. "Often while going to a beach I have noticed excessive plastic waste floating around the shores. Just observing how we humans consider the beach to be our dumpster perplexed me. This had to change, we needed to learn and so a smart technology had to be introduced."

Ecosys refills can help reduce around 11.5 kgs of carbon footprint per household!

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