Our Story
What made us start our own sustainable brand?
The path towards a greener future starts with taking the first step. Creating a sustainable brand is our first step to stop the ever glooming threat of plastic waste. We understood that the problem is not plastic but the misuse of this material in recent times. People have made it their habit to buy new than reuse old and this is the reason why the global plastic stats are at an ever time high. With Ecosys we wish to change the habit to “reuse and refill” for a better tomorrow.
How and when did we start?
We came across the technology of soluble films (PVA) and how it dissolves in water without leaving any residue. This got us thinking about its implication in the field of cleaning solutions and how we could make an impact. With this idea, we had a humble start in the year 2017.
Founder's Diary
Prachi Bansal, Co-Founder
Often while going to a beach I noticed excessive plastic waste floating around the shores. Just observing how we humans consider beach to be our dumpster perplexed me. This had to change, we needed to learn and so a smart technology had to be introduced.